Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween

My two most favorite people in the world!

First motorcycle ride.

We had two Panthers Cheerleaders in the neighborhood.

Bekah and Honey the boxer (dressed as Hannah Montana).


Random Pre-Halloween shots

Mouth full of cookies!
Emersyn's Halloween shirt says "My magical power is being cute" and I couldn't agree more! She was in a good picture taking mood this particular morning so I grabbed the camera and started snapping away!

Trunk or Treat

Emersyn's daycare hosted a Trunk or Treat event on 10/28/08 in the school's parking lot. We volunteered to decorate our trunk so that all the little ghosts and goblins could walk car to car collecting candy. It was so much fun and we got to see some really precious costumes. It was very cold and windy that day, thus the runny nose picture, but all in all it turned out great. The event was two fold success since the parent's group at Chesterbrook Academy also held a bake sale and pizza sale to help raise funds for the school and future events like this one. Trick or Treat!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lazy 5 Ranch

Emersyn visited Lazy 5 Ranch for the first time in October and loved it! I wasn't too sure how she would respond to all the goats, chickens and sheep running up to her at the petting zoo but in perfect Emersyn fashion she stuck her hand right through the fence and proceeded to pet and feed the animals. She has no fear. Emersyn's aunt Lacey, as well as Emersyn's friend Aubree and her parents, also enjoyed the afternoon with us. We took a horse drawn wagon ride through the park and were able to feed all sorts of deer, pigs, lamas, bison and of course the ostrich! We finished off the visit with some good old Deluxe ice cream! It was a great trip and I'm sure there are many return visits in store for us!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Look what my daddy built for me!

I'm married to the perfect man! He can do it all. Boyd built this massive toy box / book shelf for Emersyn a couple weeks ago. The bonus room over our garage has two dormers that were not being used for anything. Boyd and I came up with the idea of building a removeable toy box to slide into the dormers. Boyd then came up with the great idea of adding a book shelf to the top of the toy box and Voila! I've got a feeling Little E might just use this toy box as a hiding place in the future. Come out, Come out wherever you are!!

Good Morning Sunshine

These pictures were taken one Saturday morning when Emersyn had just woken up. Her hair was crazy and she was in a daze but we thought she was super cute and those big blue eyes never fail to captivate us!